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Baldwin BWA
Drought easing in the norhwest

Up to the minute water news for Friday, December 29, 2023 - last updated 428 pm CST
Boil Water Advisories:
Town of Baldwin has issued a BWA following a water main break yesterday. Customers connecting on Sansue Street, Utopia Street, Naquin Street, Johnson Street and Malcom Street are impacted by this BWA.

Refer to yellow tags on the map for more BWAs in effect in the state of Louisiana. Also see the latest EPA Safe Drinking Water Act list of Serious Violators under the SDWA button to the right of the map.

Streamflow Situation
Streamflows fall back to much below the seasonal normal levels with eight USGS monitoring stations across the state reporting extreme low flows Friday. Tensas River is back on the low flow radar this morning with Bayou Bartholemew and Chemin-A-Haut Bayou as we have seen all week for Region 3 low flows. Region 2 Big Creek is flowing low at Pollock, Region 4 contributes a low flow reading on the Calcasieu River near Oberlin. Region 5 throws in with Bayou Teche at the Keystone Lock and Dam near St. Martinville. Region 7 contributes two flows this morning, Comite River is low near Comite and Tangipahoa River monitoring station at Robert is signalling extreme low again today as yesterday.

Bayou Pierre has shifted away from the extreme low flow, registering much below normal in Region 1 today.

See the red-brown tags on the map for the low flow details.

Drought Map from USGS 7-day average streamflows compared to historic averages
Region 7 remains mostly clear of the drought map Friday. The Pearl River watershed still claims east Washington and St Tammany Parish in moderate drought and the Tangipahoa River channel through Tangipahoa Parish remains in a state of severe drought. All remaining surface area of watershed regions 6, 7 and 8 are clear and off the drought map.

To the west side, the extreme drought rating is back on for Tensas River east to Mississippi River in Region 3, including East and West Carroll and Tensas Parishes.

The new patch of extreme drought showing up this week in central Morehouse Parish in watershed Region 3 remains today. Severe drought rating still applies to east Morehouse, Richland and Franklin Parishes with the immediate area around the Tensas River rated below normal.

Watershed Region 1 in the northwest remains largely rated below normal, excluding west Bossier Parish still evading representation on the drought map. An area of moderate drought clings to Bayou Pierre channel again today. Watershed Region 2 is similarly rated, mostly below normal dropping into moderate drought in Grant and LaSalle Parishes. Watersheds Region 4 and 5 persist in severe drought in all but Evangeline and Acadia Parishes, which are sitting slightly better, rated moderate drought.

Note WaterToday reports day-to-day changes recorded by USGS streamflow monitors on rivers and tributaries located in Louisiana, along with monitors upstream in the Mississippi River basin: Ohio, Georgia and southwest New York state. USGS creates a drought map from 7-day average streamflow readings, by comparing the average with the historic weekly normal flow value for each location. The drought ratings are below normal, moderate hydrologic drought, severe drought and extreme drought.

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