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September 16, 2024
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Sarah T

Hazardous Spill Incidents as reported to and released by Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
as of April 15, 2024

EPA recently announced the release of the 2022 Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) National Analysis with positive news.

Toxic chemical releases have declined 21% in 10 years according to new TRI data.
From the announcement received March 21, 2024, "environmental releases of TRI chemicals from facilities covered by the program were 21% lower in 2022 compared to 2013. This includes a 26% decrease in air releases. During this 10-year period, releases from manufacturing facilities decreased by 9% while the value added to the U.S. economy from manufacturing increased by 14%. While overall releases increased by 1% from 2021 to 2022, there was a 6.5% increase in the number of pollution prevention activities reported under the TRI Program compared to 2021."

New files released by LDEQ
  • March 21 - unknown amount of sewage reported spilled onto the ground from a 250 gallon above ground septic tank coming from a trailer on Herndon St in Shreveport - Caddo - Newton County Reservoir impacted through a small stream - Region 1
  • March 14 - unknown amount of water reported to be backing up to a neighborhood due to a construction site blocking the natural drainage area on Priutt Rd in Sterlington - Union - Region 3

Call Louisiana State Police 1-225-925-6595 within 1 hour of the spill incident.
Call LSP HAZ MAT hotline 1-877-925-6595 or 225-925-6595 to report toxic spills

Spill incidents previously posted in 2024:
  • March 9 - unknown amount of sediment and waste water reported spilled on the ground at a private residence on Perryville Rd in Bastrop- Morehouse
  • March 1 - 300 gallons of sewage reported spilled onto the ground from a malfunctioning lift station on Kingland Dr in Hammond - Tangipahoa - Region 7
  • Feb 22 - unknown amount of solid waste being dumped into a dumpster off Tom Herbert Rd in Lake Charles - Calcasieu - Region 4
  • Feb 23 - 50 gallons of diesel reported spilled from a fuel pump due to a vehicle hitting it off Hwy 1 in Lockport - Lafourche - drain impacted - fire department on site to block off drain to wait for clean up crew and have applied ground dry - Region 6
  • Feb 17 - unknown oil sheen reported to be half a mile long on the Atchafalaya River in St Mary - St Mary - Detergent smell and black residue reported - Region 5
  • Feb 15 - unknown amount of sewage reported to be spilling on the ground since January 2024 off Hwy 397 in Lake Charles - Calcasieu - Region 4
  • Feb 5 - unknown amount of wastewater reported spilled deliberately in Farmerville - Union - Region 3
  • Feb 7 - unknown amount of sewage reported spilled off Dunn Dr in Monroe - Ouachita - Region 3
  • Feb 11 - unknown amount of diesel reported spilled on Hwy 182 near a boat launch in Amelia - St Mary - Region 5
  • Feb 10 - unknown amount of diesel reported spilled in the soil from a damaged valve on a tank off Cote Blanche Rd in Franklin - St Mary - Region 5
  • Feb 2 - 945 gallons of produced water reproted spilled due to a leaking line on Liberty Hill Rd in Simsboro - Lincoln - Region 3
  • Jan 17 - unknown amount of sewage reported spilled onto the ground from an overflowing lift station on Tom Herbert Rd in Lake Charles - Calcasieu - Region 4
  • Jan 16 - unknown amount of sewage reported spilled from an overflowing manhole due to a clogged main line off Prairie Rd in Franklin - St Mary - Region 5
  • Jan 18 - unknown amount of diesel and other unknown material reported spilled from a sunken vessel at Intracoastal Waterway near Industrial Park Rd in Larose - Lafourche - Region 6
  • Jan 12 - unknown amount of ethylene glycol reported on the ground in a culvert at a dog park on Cedar Ridge Ave in Baton Rouge - East Baton Rouge - Region 7
  • Jan 6 - unknown amount of sewage reported to be dumped by a neighbor into a ditch north of Freeland Rd in Jefferson - Elton - ditch is stained black and a rancid smell reported - Region 4
  • Jan 6 - unknown amount of sewage reported spilled due to a leak in the pipeline off Hwy 75 in Carville - Iberville - Region 7
  • Spill Emergency: 
    Call Louisiana State Police 1-225-925-6595 within 1 hour of the spill incident.
    call LSP HAZ MAT hotline 1-877-925-6595 or 225-925-6595

    *The hazardous materials hot line is staffed by the Right-to-Know Unit and is the reporting point to the LSP for a chemical spill or emergency. Any transporter, manufacturer, storage facility, or anyone involving the handling of any Regionulated hazardous material must contact the LSP immediately to report any spillage or threat to public safety.

    National Response Center (NRC) at 1-800-424-8802

    24-hour emergency line staffed by US Coast Guard for oil spills on water.

    An emergency spill situation is defined as any condition that could reasonably be expected to endanger the health and safety of the public or cause significant adverse impact to the environment.

    For non-emergency spills:

    Call Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) 24 hour Hotline 1-225-342-1234

    Or, SPOC office line  1-225-219-3640 (within 24 hours of the spill, follow up with a written report in 7 days)


    Louisiana's oil spill rules generally follow the federal standards.

    Any unauthorized spills of one barrel (42 gallons) of oil or more is considered the reportable amount.  These and spills of unknown amount must be reported to DEQ within 24 hours, or in the case of an emergency event, see above, call State Police immediately.

    All reportable spills (emergency or not) must be followed up within 7 days with a written report.  Consult with LA DEQ for guidance on detailing your spill incident, check the national requirements for reporting oil spills, and LA release notification requirements.  Seek out information on Spill Prevention Planning.

     “oil” includes but is not limited to: gasoline, crude oil, fuel oil, diesel oil, lubricating oil, sludge, oil refuse, oil mixed with wastes, and any other petroleum related product.

    “chemical” spills include all toxic substances, note “Any transporter, manufacturer, storage facility, or anyone involving the handling of any Regionulated hazardous material must contact the LSP immediately to report any spillage or threat to public safety.”  Refer to LA Department of Health Environmental Epidemiology and Toxicology page for more information on reporting (

    Note that all spills must be cleaned up, whether or not they are reportable.

    The OEC Surveillance Division protects the citizens of the state by conducting inspections of permitted and non-permitted facilities, by responding to environmental incidents such as unauthorized releases, spills and citizen complaints, natural disasters, and other emergency situations, by providing compliance assistance to the Regionulated community when appropriate, by assessing and monitoring air and water quality for compliance with standards, and by promoting case information management for vigorous and timely resolution of issues of non-compliance. 

    WTLA gathers spill records data from emergency and non-emergency spill incident reports as received by LA DEQ.    Where inspector’s field notes are available, these details are included.

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