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September 16, 2024
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WT Staff

Tuesday, August 13 2024 107 pm CDT

New Orleans Carrollton Waterworks
Facility scores a D in Louisiana Department of Health assessment for 2023

Orleans Parish: New Orleans East Bank is under a Boil Water Advisory, the second incident in less than a week. Yesterday's BWA was brought on by a water main break. The boil order applies to customers connecting along Hayne Blvd. from Read Blvd. to Paris Road; customers along Paris Rd. from Hayne Blvd to the north side of I-10 Service Rd; customers connecting along the north side of I-10 Service Rd. from Paris Rd to Read Blvd; and Read Blvd. customers from Hayne Blvd. to north side I-10 Service Rd. A recent power outage caused by a mylar balloon resulted in a BWA for New Orleans East and West Banks, along with Algiers Point.

For more Louisiana Drinking Water Facility Profiles, click here.

Drinking Water Facility Profile: Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans (SWBNO) Carrollton Waterworks

EPA Status: No violations
LA Dept of Health Grade: D score: 64%
Owner: private
Location: New Orleans, LA
Parish: Orleans
Active Permit: LA1071009
System Type: community water system
Population Served: 334,903
Watershed Region: 7
Source: surface water from the Mississippi River

Admin Contact: Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans tel (504) 52-WATER (504) 529-2837

Latest Compliance Inspections: Sanitary survey, complete: July 13, 2022 (State)
Investigation (Complaint/violation) March 3, 2023
Capacity Development Assessment - Nov 9, 2023

Significant Deficiencies in Data Verification, Finished Water Storage, Treatment
Recommendations made for Distribution

The following information gathered from federal EPA pertains to the quarter ending March 31, 2024 (data last refreshed on EPA database July 12, 2024)

Non-compliant inspections

(of the previous 12 quarters)

with Significant Violations

(of the previous 12 quarters)


Enforcement Actions

(last 5 yrs)


Enforcement Actions

(last 5 years)

3 out of 12

0 out of 12



Monitoring and Reporting Violation - Stage 2 disinfectants and by-products of disinfection rule - noted Jan 1 to Mar 31, 2022
Monitoring Violation - revised total coliform rule - noted Dec 1 - 31, 2022 and June 1 - 30, 2023

*Note that drinking water information provided on this site is aggregated from the federal EPA database, state resources and local government sources where available.
EPA publishes violation and enforcement data quarterly, based on the inspection reports of the previous quarter. Water systems, states and EPA take up to three months to verify this data is accurate and complete. Specific questions about your local water supply should be directed to the facility.
The EPA safe drinking water facilities data available to the public presents what is known to the government based upon the most recently available information for more than one million regulated facilities. EPA and states inspect a percentage of facilities each year, but many facilities, particularly smaller ones, may not have received a recent inspection. It is possible that facilities do have violations that have not yet been discovered, thus are shown as compliant in the system.
EPA cannot positively state that facilities without violations shown in ECHO are necessarily fully compliant with environmental laws. Additionally, some violations at smaller facilities do not need to be reported from the states to EPA. If ECHO shows a recent inspection and the facility is shown with no violations identified, users of the ECHO site can be more confident that the facility is in compliance with federal programs.
The compliance status of smaller facilities that have not had recent inspections or review by EPA or the states may be unknown or only available via state data systems.
See yellow tags on the map for more information.

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